Pearl Jam Where Art Thou....
Okay, let me preface this with a few things since this is post numero uno. First the only reason I am here is because my good friend Karie told me I should vent my frustrations and I am a tad buzzed at this point in the evening. Second I am a HUGE Pearl Jam fanatic hence the subject line and the conspiracy set to play out.
Pearl Jam is set to release their first album in 3 1/2 years May 2. In step, they have slowly announced a world tour. This tour in the US seems to only touch blue states according to the Presidential election results in 2004 (remember Pearl Jam played the complete farce called the Vote For Change Tour in 2004) at the least....fleeing the country at the best . It hits Toronto, New York, DC, IL, NJ, NY, PA, WI, OH, NV, etc.... the closest thing they come to a red state is Ohio and Nevada. The reason for breaking tradition I believe is they think Kerry still won Ohio in the last election and Nevada was only lost by 3% and happens to be on the way to California. After finishing in Seattle they move to Europe and Australia which is cool I suppose. BUT what happened to the south my friends!!! No Atlanta, no Dallas, no Phoenix, no Miami, etc. Is this payback for the 2004 election?!
Pearl Jam, I have been with you 12 years now at least. The longest relationship outside my family. To quote a wise sage, "Please don't go on me!!!!' Help a brother out and come down to the south and hang out with the red state folks. We aren't all that bad!!!
PS - If I decide to continue to ramble, this blog will contain mostly music and political content.........
this makes you sound like a raging republican, which i know isn't true. edit/revise!
3:44 PM
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