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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Who The F**** Are The Arctic Monkeys?

In British terms, quite simply the bullocks man.

I saw these fine young lads last night in the Big D. Kinda sad that they are not old enough to drink in the US, felt like an old 'wanker' watching them. I was pleasantly surprised though. Most reviews of their live show I have read are a little negative. I was very impressed. A whole lot of energy; fast, furious. They also did something great I think all one album bands should do. No encores! Play your songs, get them over with. Leave the encores for the second album tour.

True, they are over hyped. But simply for what they are, a great punkinsh alternative UK band. And I likey!!!


Blogger quank said...

what the fuck is the internet?

creeperjam - can't wait to party with you this weekend!!

9:51 PM

Blogger Dinner said...

Arctic monkeys are well nice.

2:26 PM


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