Come with me and we will be in a world of pure imagination. To the confines of music and politics we go......

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Best of the Decade (2001)....

The anticipation has been killing you. The sweat on the brow, the bartender serving you one too many drinks, the children off to bed in tears, the restless night tossing and turning. A Friday of withdrawal for the best records of the decade.

Okay so the sweat on the brow was probably a result of global warming, the extra drinks because you live in a drinking town with a baseball problem, the children stepped in the glass from your broken beer bottle (inside joke) and thunderstorms kept you awake all night. I feel better being being narcissistic though.

Below is the final installment, best records of 2001. No best of 2000, I am a traditionalist. The decade started in 2001 no matter what Dick Clark said counting down new years eve 1999.

White Stripes - White Blood Cells (Sympathy For The Record Industry)
Creeper Lagoon - Take Back The Universe And Give Me Yesterday (Dreamworks)
Ryan Adams - Gold (Lost Highway)
Beulah - The Coast Is Never Clear (Velocette)
Stephen Malkmus - Stephen Malkmus (Matador)
Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun (Fatcat)
Shins - Oh, Inverted World (Sub Pop)
Hayden - Skyscraper National Park (Badman)
Black Crowes - Lions (V2)
My Morning Jacket - At Dawn (Darla)


Blogger quank said...

man, i really have no concept of time.

gold is a very solid record - glad it made your list!

12:45 AM

Blogger creeperjam said...

ahhh!! the strokes...son of a bitch. i knew this was to change! bye bye MMJ

7:47 PM


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