Wolves In Sheep Clothing.....
Revisionist history is great. Seeing Bill Clinton and Al Gore grabbing the spotlight over the last month or two has been quite amusing. The things that have caught my ear have been their statements about environmental policy. Obviuosly Gore is making headlines with his movie and I caught Clinton on the Daily Show touting his global initiative, part of which is focusing on climate change for cities across the world. Despite how they look on the surface pumping themselves as environmentalists, the Clinton/Gore years were anything but.
So called liberals decry Bush for wanting to open ANWR in Alaska for drilling yet without much fanfare at all Clinton opened up the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to drill on, 24 million acres in size and something the three previous Republican administrations refused to do. Clinton also caved to oil industry pressures by opening up more public land to drill on, 13% above what they were under Bush I. It was also on the Clinton watch that Enron was festering with shady business practices and disregard for the environment. The salvage rider act allowed for the plundering of our forests byt the timber industry. Laws were enacted allowing strip mining, a practice that causes much pollution.
While Clinton/Gore now tout global warming as a severe threat, they stood by for eight years barely lifting a finger on issues contriubting to climate change. Gas mileage in cars actually went DOWN in the 90's, the first time in decades. They also conveniently set Bush up to put the final nail in the coffin of the Kyoto Protocol in 2001, when in fact they had actually killed it long before. Gore said, "Signing the Protocol, while an important step forward, imposes no obligations on the United States. The Protocol becomes binding only with the advice and consent of the US Senate. As we have said before, we will not submit the Protocol for ratification without the meaningful participation of key developing countries in efforts to address climate change." Way to be a leader Al, blame developing countries when it is the US who emits a quarter of the CO2 in the world.
The environmental issue is just one among many where 'liberal' Democrats have let us down yet claim they were always there for us (Kerry agreed on many of these issues). From economy to Iraq to terrorism to the holy grail of social issues it is all the same. Sometimes it is the wolf in sheep clothing whose bite hurts the worse.
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