Come with me and we will be in a world of pure imagination. To the confines of music and politics we go......

Monday, November 20, 2006

Who Are You? The Elected, That's Who.......

So I got a last minute call to see the Who on Friday night for free, comp'd by my great ol' company who shall remain nameless. So I gave the extra tic to Pete Townsend freak Ward. It was quite a good show except it turned out to not be so free. My half of parking $12.50, beer $21 (for three), hot dog $5...grand total $38.50

Saturday I went to see the Elected in a dive bar which was also quite a good show (yes quank, there was an actual sound system at this venue). Ticket $12, beer $16 (for 5 or 6)....grand total $28.

Got to love indie bands!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Plug In......

So last week was the big vote, democracy in action, Democrats in power....yada yada yada. Big deal!! Now for the real good stuff, it is the Plug Award season again baby. You can cast a vote for some of your favorite indie artists at:

The Plug Awards recognize artists that sell less than 500k records a year (I think something like that). Although I think this year has been a slump for music, it is still fun to scroll through a bunch of lists with artists you actually know about and respect. Band Of Horse, Jenny Lewis, Amy Milan, Cat Power, Arctic Monkeys, Tapes N Tapes and the list goes on......

Monday, November 06, 2006

Vote Proud.....

Have fun tomorrow all you voters, I am sitting this one out. Maybe one day there will be a ballot line for none of the above.

"I would rather vote for something I want and not get it, than vote for something I do not want and get it."
-Eugene Debs

"The Democrats are marginally less addicted to corporate largesse than the K Street conservatives at the helm of the Republican Party, but only in the way that a cokehead is in less trouble than a heroin junkie."
- John Micklethwait & Adrian Woodridge, Economist

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Know Your Rights......

I don't care that you fine folks never like to comment on anything political I write (cause you know I am right!), still going to do it.

Anyway, in time for the election a little reminder from the Clash

Know Your Rights by The Clash
This is a public service announcement
With guitar
Know your rights all three of them

Number 1
You have the right not to be killed
Murder is a crime!
Unless it was done by a
Policeman or aristocrat
Know your rights

And number 2
You have the right to food, money
Providing of course you
Dont mind a little
Investigation, humiliation
And if you cross your fingers

Know your rights
These are your rights

Know these rights

Number 3
You have the right to free
Speech as long as you're not
Dumb enough to actually try it.

Know your rights
These are your rights
All three of em
It has been suggested
In some quarters that this is not enough!

Get off the streets
Get off the streets
You dont have a home to go to

Finally then I will read you your rights

You have the right to remain silent
You are warned that anything you say
Can and will be taken down
And used as evidence against you

Listen to this